Somerset Region

Your local Buyers Agent in Somerset Region

Boasting lush countryside, rolling hills, and in proximity to Somerset Dam, residents enjoy a peaceful and serene environment. Providing a range of outdoor recreational activities such as boating, fishing, and hiking, offers a tranquil and fulfilling lifestyle.

Somerset Suburbs List

Atkinsons Dam | Avoca Vale | Banks Creek | Biarra | Borallon | Braemore

Brightview | Bryden | Buaraba | Caboonbah | Clarendon | Coal Creek

Colinton | Cooeeimbardi | Coolana | Coominya | Cressbrook | Crossdale

Dundas | England Creek | Esk | Eskdale | Fairney View | Fernvale | Fulham

Glamorgan Vale | Glen Esk | Glenfern | Gregors Creek | Haigslea | Harlin

Hazeldean | Ivory Creek | Jimna | Kilcoy | Kingaham | Lake Manchester

Lake Wivenhoe | Lark Hill | Linville | Lockrose | Lower Cressbrook | Lowood

Marburg | Minden | Monsildale | Moombra | Moore | Mount Archer

Mount Beppo | Mount Byron | Mount Hallen | Mount Kilcoy | Mount Stanley

Mount Tarampa | Murrumba | Ottaba | Patrick Estate | Prenzlau | Redbank Creek

Rifle Range | Royston | Sandy Creek | Scrub Creek | Sheep Station Creek

Somerset Dam | Split Yard Creek | Tarampa | Toogoolawah | Vernor | Villeneuve

Wanora | Westvale | Winya | Wivenhoe Hill | Wivenhoe Pocket | Woolmar
