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Expat Investment Purchase

Embarking on the journey of purchasing your first investment property can be a daunting task, especially when navigating unfamiliar territories. Recently, we had the privilege of guiding an Australian expatriate through this significant milestone, assisting them in not only choosing a property but also crafting a tailored investment strategy.

Initially uncertain about their investment approach, our client engaged in our comprehensive Property Investor Strategy and Purchase Service. This allowed us to delve into their risk profile, budget constraints, and unique circumstances to formulate a strategy aligned with their financial goals.

While their budget provided some flexibility, the client was keen on not exhausting all funds on the initial investment. Our meticulous search focused on areas experiencing robust growth and ensuring a neutral return on investment upon lease renewal. Recognizing the client’s openness to potential future development, we targeted locations with opportunities to add value down the line.

The property we acquired, a 3-bed, 1-bath, 4-car space on a substantial 1200m2, stood out for several reasons. Not requiring immediate repairs or upgrades, it boasted a long-term tenant committed to staying. What set it apart even more was the potential for subdivision or complete redevelopment into a quad or quinplex—a trend observed in the nearby vicinity.

Securing this property off-market and below market value underscored the effectiveness of our approach. The recommendation to increase rent at lease renewal aimed to boost the return on investment, while the prospect of future development promises enhanced capital growth.

For expatriates buying in Australia, engaging a buyer’s agent is imperative. The complexities of time differences can pose challenges, but our on-the-ground presence ensures our international buyers receive firsthand insights and updates on locations with promising growth indicators.

In just a few short months since settling on the property, our investor client has witnessed capital growth exceeding $50,000. This success can be attributed to a savvy purchase below market value and strategic selection in a location demonstrating both growth potential and demand.

Investing in property as an expatriate requires a nuanced approach, and our success story underscores the value of expert guidance. The right strategy, paired with a diligent buyer’s agent, can turn a venture into a thriving investment with substantial returns.

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